
Open Source Software


MapGive - Source code for the MapGive website.

Secondary Cities - Source code for the Secondary Cities website.

HIU Website - Source code for the HIU website.

OSMGeoWeek - Source code for the OSM GeoWeek website.

Imagery to the Crowd

ittc-fabric - Fabric scripts for doing automated tasks with ITTC infrastructure.

ittc-server-django - TileJet based server for in-memory caching of tiles


CyberGIS Guides - Guides for enterprise deployment of open source Web GIS systems

CyberGIS Client - Client side code for CyberGIS (abstraction layer for OpenLayers, OL3, and Leaflet). Includes source code and examples.

CyberGIS Scripts - Scripts used in the CyberGIS

CyberGIS OSM Mappings - Mappings from OSM Key-Value structure to table/shapefile schema. Used in GeoGig and GeoSHAPE.

CyberGIS Commons - This repository contains a set of Java classes and methods commonly used in the CyberGIS.